Sunday, July 20, 2008

Rethinking MySpace

Ling 611
Rethinking MySpace - Using social networking tools to connect with students by Antero Garcia

Summary: In the article the author states her use of technology of MySpace and other sites with her students. The author connects with the students for posting homework, advice, and helps students’ participation in the curriculum. The author hopes and asks her students to use MySpace positively and have “ownership” to it and create their successes.

Reflection: At this time my school has a lab computer room available for student use. Elementary and high school alternate times to use the lab room. All the teachers are now using laptops. None of the high school students are provided with lab tops by the district. We are have not been informed whether students will receive laptops any time soon. But, if they do, the students will likely apply rules for using labtops as they did with computers in a lab room.

The Laptops Are Coming! The Laptops Are Coming!
What I am learning from my school’s infatuation with computers by Sarah Heller McFarlene

Summary: The author reflected about her one-year experience with students using lab tops in school. She regarded laptops being important for student learning and making endless class projects using technology, etc., but frustrations, concerns, and resentments arose for her. Her belief of technology use is to value it justly in schools.

Reflection: I remember when I first received a labtop from my district. I was happy and excited so that I could use it mainly for writing homework and learn other things about it. (And not walk back and forth too much from my house to the school.) I would be happy for secondary students to receive labtops in my district. I believe more learning will take place for the students.

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