Monday, October 6, 2008

Ch.2 Designing Authentic Assessment

This chapter focuses on different types of authentic assessment, scoring guides, and how to use designing, developing, and using authentic assessemnt. The book addresses that validity and reliability are both important for the quality of assessments. Other concerning issues like purpose of assessment, fairnes, and grading are explained and clarified in the chapter. These are the steps teachers can use in designing authentic assessment, which can help to improve teaching to the students.One time I took part in the early stages of making assessment for Yup'ik levels in our district. We as a team (native teachers and bilingual instructors) helped build standards for Yup'ik levels one through seven for teaching and assessment. After several months of interval meetings and revisions by the team and the district, we the bilingual instructors had a new and better design of authentic assessment to teach and to test. This new change helped the instructors to improve their teaching and learning. What we are lacking are student workbooks that go with the authentic assessments. We make our own teaching materials for the Yup'ik levels.


sarahbass said...

Nice blog page colors, can you believe we are doing blogs? I have been involved working on end of Yup'ik level tests. I was told that I needed to be involved with the team since I was immersion teacher. I went into it without any knowledge of what my role was. I went along with what was being discussed. It was hard for me to be involved back then. Now I have some ideas and would like to learn more on designing assessments so that the students and teachers would benefit.

Guru Pitka said...

Hi Theresa, I was on the Yup'ik committee as well and really wanted to see more authentic assessment that is more oral than written. I also agree with you about workbooks that would go along with the standards. What is good about the standards is that you all can get together and rewrite them and change them to meet your instructional and testing needs. Keep up the excellent work!!

quana said...

I liked that you said the new authentic assessments helped the instructors to teach better. That's right, assessments should do that, not just spit out scores, but to benefit the teacher's teaching and the students' learning. You all must've had some great teamwork going to create something like that....